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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"Bitter-Sweet" - The Dangers of Sugar

Sugar consumption has increased 45 times over the last 300 years from 4 pounds per year to 180 pounds...per person!  Sugar is found in almost everything today, from fruit juices to bread to barbecue sauce to baby's formula.  In fact, most baby formulas now have as much sugar in them as one can of soda...and we wonder why obesity has become such a deadly epidemic!?

In the last 35 years, the obesity rate in our country has more than doubled, from 15 to 32%.  This has been shown to increase the risk of heart and kidney disease, as well as diabetes.  A little over 100 years ago, the chances of having diabetes was .003%.  Now it stands at 8%.  Although 8% may not sound like much, diabetes is the fastest growing condition today, faster than heart disease and cancer!

"So what kind of sugar should we be looking out for?"

Believe it or not, the typical table sugar, "sucrose", is not the sugar of choice today.  Today, "fructose" is consumed much more, and usually in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).

"But isn't fructose found in healthy fruit?"

Yes!  However, when found in fruit, fructose is accompanied by vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and beneficial phytonutrients, all which prevent any negative metabolic effects.  When our food and beverage companies give us HFCS, it is alone and in HUGE quantities, which leads to metabolic devastation and chaos within our bodies.  HFCS actually contains the same two chemicals as table sugar, "glucose" and "fructose".  The difference is that in HFCS they are not bound together, so our bodies don't have to break them down and can absorb the fructose much more rapidly...Hello liver damage!

"So why do the food and beverage companies give this stuff to us?"

Come on people!...$$$...Surprise surprise!  HFCS, as opposed to regular sugar, is much cheaper and actually 20% sweeter.  The food and beverage companies saw this as a win-win!  There's just one small problem...this stuff is killing us!

"So how does fructose hurt me?"
  1. Fructose elevates uric acid which causes blood vessels to constrict (high blood pressure and possible kidney damage)
  2. Leads to chronic, low-level inflammation (causes heart attacks, strokes, and even some cancers)
  3. Turns off the hormone that makes you feel full (leading to increased appetite, weight gain, and diabetes)
  4. Leads to elevated blood sugar and eventual insulin resistance
  5. Leads to NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)
"How worried should I be about uric acid?"

Aside from raising your blood pressure, uric acid has also been shown in thousands of studies to cause: obesity, heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease...just to name a few!

"So what kinds of foods should I be avoiding?"

Almost ALL processed foods contain unsafe levels of fructose, and in combinations that are completely unnatural to our bodies.  You'll also want to avoid the following:

  • ALL sweetened sodas, drinks, and juices (This includes diet soda...sorry!)
  • Adding extra sugar to your drinks or food
  • Alcohol (especially beer as it contains guanosine which leads to uric acid production)
  • Sucralose (Splenda - chlorinated and artificial, with detrimental health effects)
  • Sugar alcohols like xylitol, glycerol, sorbitol, maltitol, mannitol, and erythritol (are incompletely absorbed from your small intestine and can cause problems with bloating, diarrhea and flatulence)

"So what sweeteners are safe?"

If you want to be truly safe you must eat in line with your genetic makeup.  God gave us plenty of sweet foods to enjoy, from blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries, to peaches, melons, oranges, and apples!  These foods are extremely sweet and contain all the other essential nutrients needed (and in the perfect amounts might I convenient!) to make their sugar safe to consume.

If you absolutely need an additional sweetener, try something that's actually natural:

  • Organic, raw honey (man will never make anything as well as nature does!)
  • Stevia (a highly sweet herb derived from the leaf of the South American stevia plant)
  • Agave syrup (make sure it's organic and not processed!)

When we eat whole foods like organic, free-range meats and grass-fed beef, locally grown fruits and vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds, our bodies will get exactly the nutrients they need.  This will help us to develop a normal sugar craving, and we will actually start to crave healthier foods!  Give it a try for a few weeks and see for yourself!  The intelligence of your body will truly amaze you!

For further information on the dangers of sugar, you may want to read The Sugar Fix: The High-Fructose Fallout That Is Making You Fat and Sick by Dr. Richard Johnson.  It's a great resource that lists 76 additional dangers of the over-consumption of unnatural sugars and sugar substitutes.

Remember, health is your God-given right!

For references to any of the information above, you may contact Dr. Eric Jaszewski at


  1. You know you're like the insane people who claim HIV doesn't cause AIDS, right? This is fringe science at best, and outright deception at worst. Junk science, perpetrated by those who will never actually be REAL doctors.

  2. I will not be deleting the previous thread, as I welcome all comments. It is interesting, however, that this critic uses no specifics and refuses to give their name!

    You'd think someone who looks up to "real" doctors would use their "real" name!

  3. I say, thank you for informing people regardless of your supposed "not a real doctor". (which is garbage by the way). It's nice to see someone recommending natural ways to cure health issues as opposed to simply over prescribing medications...
    Anonymous needs to not be so critical.

  4. Thanks for a great and TRUTHFUL article regarding the harmful effects of HFCS! I am very pleased to see that your article is not only accurate, but provable by medcial and scientific standards. I'm kind of laughing at the nutritionally challenged child who posted above who apparently flunked human development and phys ed. probably since the sixth grade. Jealousy hurts the immune system too, pal! Thanks for your REAL information Dr. Eric!

  5. While I agree that HFCS is a huge problem and most people continue to be unaware of its properties being different than regular sugars, I will keep drinking the occasional Diet Dr. Pepper. I think the jury is out (on credible testing) whether asperatame will kill me or not. I KNOW that sugar will as my family is wicked diabetic. That said, I do see people avoiding HFCS and continuing to eat dangerous levels of product with cane sugar in it because it is "natural." Technically uranium would qualify for an "all natural ingredients" label as well as lead. Anyhoo, the main thing I wanted to share is that once people get used to a lower sugar diet, the palate does adjust. I drastically reduced sugar 14 years ago and now a regular soda or coffee with sugar or even a full glass of juice is just too darn sweet for me to drink. I can still enjoy a good dessert but only in small portions.

  6. oh snap you heard what that guy said?!?!

  7. This is great information Dr. Eric. People only get defensive when they don't want to get rid of horrible habits. Ignorance is bliss I guess....until you have a heart attack.
