With over 400 billion cups consumed per year, coffee is the most popular drink in the world. Over half the population in the U.S. consumes coffee on a daily basis. The average American coffee drinker will consume nearly 10 pounds of it in a year's time, and about 400 million cups are drank everyday in our country! Something consumed this much deserves a closer look.
First, why do people drink coffee?
Though some do drink it for the taste, most are anticipating an energy "boost" to propel them through their day. This of course is provided by the caffeine present in coffee. Many swear that without it, they'd never be able to "get going" in the morning and would be physically tired and mentally foggy throughout their day.
Hasn't coffee been shown to help some diseases?
It's true that coffee has been shown in certain studies to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes, and even improve short term memory. This is most likely due to the antioxidants found in coffee that are known to have healing benefits.
So I guess coffee is safe then…right?
Wrong!!! Drinking coffee for its “health” benefits would be like smoking cigarettes to inhibit your appetite and avoid obesity! While we all know obesity’s negative effects on your overall health, it would be crazy to prescribe cigarettes as an obesity treatment. Are you all with me on this!?!
So how is coffee bad for my health?
Let’s get right down to it folks…coffee is a drug. And like all drugs, along with its “benefits” come a variety of side-effects, such as:
• Increased risk of stomach cancer
• Increased risk of leukemia
• Interference with your body’s ability to use water and promote fluid loss
• Raising blood cholesterol levels
• Massively raising insulin levels (wake up diabetics!!!)
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Stroke
• Damaging blood vessels
• Interference with the body’s ability to use folate, and vitamins B12 and B6 (life threatening)
• Prostate and other cancers (due to pesticide use)
• Parkinson’s disease (pesticides)
• Miscarriages (pesticides)
• Adrenal gland burn-out (due to over stimulation)
• Osteoporosis (from metabolic damage and increased blood acidity)
• Insomnia
• A rise in blood pressure and stress hormone levels
• Heart palpitations
• A sensation of jitteriness and nervousness
• Symptoms of anxiety, especially if you already have a panic or anxiety disorder
• Depletion of iron and calcium levels in women
• AND increasing your risk of heart disease (America’s #1 killer)
But it’s the only way I know to get a “pick-me-up”!
The caffeine in coffee only provides a fake and temporary jolt of energy. It actually depletes your B vitamins, which leads to more of an energy shortage! If you’re tired all the time, your body is telling you something is wrong! Start listening to your body and making the right lifestyle changes to naturally enhance your health.
Our bodies are divinely designed. Self-healing has absolutely been PROVEN to be a part of our plan.
Remember, health is your God given right!
For my personal recommendations on coffee substitutes and raising your energy naturally, please email me at eric@pierceresults.com
oh no. Is tea ok?