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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Super-Sanitize Me!": The Anti-biotic and Anti-bacterial Crisis

I was out to eat several days ago and noticed a mother using a popular brand of hand sanitizer on her children...5 times throughout the meal!!!  I work with patients on a daily basis who have these things attached to their key chains!  Apparently spending 5 extra seconds to search for it in their purse or pocket would simply put too much strain on their immune system...give me a break!  It's time to wake up people!

Though antibiotics can be miraculous in their treatment of some severe bacterial infections, misuse and overuse has created a race of "super-bugs" that we are now forced to live with.  This comes from strains developing a resistance to these medications due to repeated and prolonged exposure.

Let's think logically.  The human race has been around for a loooonnnnnng time, and every shred of evidence indicates that our bodies were designed for self-healing and regulation beyond our wildest dreams!  Do we really think we need to live in a completely sterile environment because our bodies are so fragile?...a body that pumps blood through nearly 100,000 miles of blood vessels, propels a sneeze at 100 mph, controls temperature, blood pressure, hormone regulation...and we're worried about being "too dirty" or our kids getting a sniffle or a fever??  And furthermore, we use more antibacterial sanitizers and antibiotics now than ever before, yet we get more and more sick every year!  We're so afraid of dirt and bacteria, yet nearly 90% of our bodies are made of bacteria for crying out loud! 

When we overuse antibacterials and antibiotics, we destroy healthy bacteria in our bodies as well, many of which are NEEDED to maintain a properly functioning immune system.  You see, the reason our bodies are 90% bacteria is because we live in a "symbiotic" relationship with them.  This means they need us to survive, and we need them too.  It's a partnership!  When we unnaturally kill bacteria with antibiotics over and over and over again, we destroy our natural immunity.

The common cold strikes most children 3-8 times a year.  60% of the time, doctors put children on antibiotics (Journal of Family Practice 1996; 42:357--361)...for the common cold! Multiply that by 8 and you've completely destroyed that child's immune response!

Nearly 40% of children who visit the doctor leave with a prescription for antibiotics.  Many times this is done when a viral infection is suspected (which antibiotics DO NOT work for) just to be "on the safe side".  What we now know is that although your child may initially get "better" a bit faster, the more times they have these antibiotics, the more sick they usually get, the more school they'll miss, and the more stubborn their infections will become.

So why are doctors continuing to do this??

Many say because parents expect them to!(Pediatrics 1998; 101:163--165)  They feel they should be leaving with something!  It's wrong for doctors to comply with these expectations, but parents need to also start taking more responsibility.  We need to learn more about the body, what it can do, and what materials it needs to do it!

So what can I do to avoid antibiotics?

When you see your pediatrician, say something like, "If there is any way to improve my child's health without antibiotics, that's the route I'd prefer to take."  If you let your doctor know, usually they'll comply.  If they don't, find a new doctor!

Vitamin D is another great remedy for colds and flus, and something I put all of patients on for health maintenance!

So when should I use antibiotics?

Typically, 75% of all antibiotics are given for sore throats, bronchitis, colds, sinus infections, and ear infections.  The CDC and Academy of Pediatrics issued guidelines for antibiotic use most recently in 2004, for which I have summarized the important parts for you:
  • Most of the time, strep throat is determined by simply looking in the mouth.  This is not enough and a Strep Test MUST be done to confirm.
  • Bronchitis RARELY warrants antibiotics.
  • Antibiotics should NOT be given for the common cold.
  • Unless nasal discharge AND cough are present without improvement for 10-14 days, antibiotics should NOT be given to most children with sinus infections.
Personally, I have seen ALL of the above mentioned conditions improve in children AND adults WITHOUT antibiotics!  Usually, chiropractic and some nutritional modification does the trick!

It's pretty simple.  Children (and adults!) are designed for health.  Feed them the right foods!  Keep them active!  And keep them away from prescription drugs as best you can!  We ARE our environments.  Start asking yourself about your or your child's environment.  What kind of cleaners or detergents do you use?  Shower and hygiene products?  What foods are you eating/serving?  How active are you?  How do you talk to yourself/your child?  Positive and encouraging?  Or negative and abusive?

Every single thing you or your child think, do, or eat has an impact on who you are and who you will become...without exception!  Keep all aspects of your environment healthy and life-giving and you'll produce a level of health your friends and relatives could only dream of!  It is possible!

Remember, health is your God-given right!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The "No Trans Fat" Cover-up!

The “low-fat” and “no-fat” culture that has been created in America has done more to hurt us than help us.  Think about it.  Products labeled as “Low fat” or “0 grams of fat” or even “No trans fat!” are being consumed more and more every day.  And yet, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes/obesity rates continue to climb every year at alarming rates.  Is it fat that’s the problem?  Of course not…it’s the kind of fat we need to be worrying about.  Some fats, like Omega-3 fats, are not only safe to consume…but you actually NEED them for your cells, and ultimately your entire body to function properly.  So what is the real villain here??  Trans fats!!!

Trans fats are formed through a process called “hydrogenation”, where hydrogen is added to heated vegetable oils.  The result is trans fat.  This fat is known to keep foods from spoiling, promising a longer shelf-life.  It’s also relatively inexpensive.  Of course this means more profits for food manufacturers.

“So they added some hydrogen…so what?”

This process makes a completely unnatural fat that wreaks havoc inside our bodies.  Trans fat consumption has been linked to the following:
  • inflammation
  • cancer
  • diabetes
  • decreased immune function
  • problems with sexual reproduction
  • obesity
  • asthma
  • interfering with Omega-3 fat processing
  • increasing LDL and decreasing HDL cholesterol (a deadly combination!)
  • heart disease
In fact, studies have shown that consuming only 1 gram of trans fat daily increases one's risk or heart disease by 20% (Journal of the American Heart Association, 2007)!!!  I would bet most people consume dozens of grams daily.  Do the math.  Is it any wonder that heart disease is the leading cause of death in America!?!

"So why isn't the government doing anything?"

Trans fats have been running wild for nearly 40 years unchecked.  Finally, in 2006, the U.S. government mandated all foods display the amount of trans fat on the packaging.  Unfortunately, the FDA allows manufacturers to round down on their ingredient totals.  The final ruling said that anything with 0.5 grams of trans fat or less per serving could be labeled as "0 grams of trans fat!".  Therefore, if you have 20 servings of something with 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving, they can legally say "0 grams of trans fat", and you're actually consuming 10 full grams after you've eaten the whole thing...I know...shocking.

"So how do I know if something really has trans fat?"

You have to be a detective of sorts.  Another name for trans fat is "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oil.  No matter what the package says...READ THE INGREDIENTS!!!  If you see those words in qoutes above, you're eating trans fats!  If you don''re NOT!  That simple!

Unfortunately, our wellbeing often takes a backseat to maximizing profits.  You MUST be proactive with your health.  Never forget, our bodies are designed to heal and function optimally, but we need to provide it with the proper nutrients and steer clear of toxins like trans fat!

Remember, health is your God-given right!